KidPower is one of LRBC’s vocal teams, unique in that it is comprised of first grade to fifth grade children. When the group was formed a few years ago, I’ll be the first to confess that my original intent was to develop a more traditional style children’s choir—albeit with some contemporary songs thrown in occasionally. It was the children themselves who suggested that they didn’t want to be the kind of group that everyone just sat and watched as they sang. They wanted to sing songs that would encourage people to sing with them.

So, I adjusted.


The last Sunday before their summer break was especially meaningful for the kids, as they got to choose the playlist. I had to narrow the list down from ten (maybe eleven) songs they asked for. One song I considered cutting was Third Day’s “Children of God”, which almost resulted in a mutiny. The kids love that song, not only for its theme (based on 1 John 3:1-2), but also for the story behind it. Lead singer Mac Powell has a son and a daughter, both of whom are adopted, and the song was written as a tribute to adopted children. Ultimately (as you will see illustrated in the final moments of the video), we are all adopted.